Monday, November 2, 2009

Its the most wonderful time of the year

It has officially started. Christmas music, Christmas shopping and all that's wonderful this time of year. Ethan loves it too. He stands at the patio doors and pats the glass like its a whole new world.

Happy Halloween

Saturday was filled with spooky spiders and Halloween fun. Ethan had two costumes again this year. He started the day dressed as a BYU Cougar fan for the party at aunt Lynetts house and then dressed up as a penguin for the ward Halloween party. I dressed as the tooth Fairy and Brett dressed up as the famous Indiana Jones.

Gumpa is Ethan's favorite word these days. He doesn't say Gama yet... but we are working on it.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fun at the ZOO

We went to the Zoo on October 24th and had a great time. We met Ethan's birth mom Kirsten, Her Dad and Mariana there for a day filled with Zoo Adventure. We quickly found out that day was a busy day, for it was Trick or Treat at the Zoo day.

Costumes everywhere. We thought there were Baboons out of their cages and Lions on the run. Though we did not show up in costume, we joined the crowd and got some candy too.

We saw Lions and Tigers and Bears oh My!!! Our favorite were the babies. Baby Elephant, baby Giraffe, baby Monkeys. There were babies around every corner.

Ethan even found someone his own size to chase around.