Friday, April 22, 2011

Lets Go Fly A Kite

We had a FANTASTIC evening last night.

We took the kites down to the park and flew kits with Grandpa, Ashley, Uncle Kent and Sasha - the dog. Brett got these kites for his birthday and we have been waiting for a windy day ever since.
This one is a blast to fly. It flies best in winds from 3 to 30 miles per hour. Last night our winds were about 15 miles per hour. It was hard to keep a hold of that kite. It literally threw me on the ground. LOL. Brett learned a few tricks and really knows how to fly this kite.

This kite is more to my liking. Much easier and care free. I couldn't resist getting Brett this kite since he loves birds so much.

Ethan was so cute running all over the place, chasing Sasha and playing in the soccer net.
When the wind got colder we put the kits away and went to "OL McDonalds" (as ethan calls it) for Dinner
I sure hope Ethan remembers this day when he's older.

It was a really fun night. By the time we left there were four other kites in the sky.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

But I ain't complaining cuz I LOVE THE RAIN

It's raining it's pouring but I ain't complaining cuz
Just picture me as this cute girl under the umbrella lovin every drop. That totally me today! Ethan and I were outside weeding the strawberries (darn weeds) and I could feel it starting. The clouds started rolling in and then I heard the wonderful sound of THUNDER. We left our strawberries and sat on our swing and watched the rest of the storm roll in. It makes me wonder if I would love living in a place like Seattle. Who knows???

Another Trip to the Zoo

Last week was Spring Break and Brett's birthday was luckily one of those days off for him. On Brett's Birthday we went to the Zoo and had a BLAST.
We went on the train,
Choo Choo
which was the fastest five minute train ride I've ever taken. We sped past the Bisons and flew past the Lions. It only ended up being a two and half minute ride. It was still fun.

We loved teaching Ethan how to say the names of the animals. Our favorites are:


We headed over to ride the Carousel three times
We rode the Zebra first.

The Baboon
and finally the Seal in remembrance of our Alaska trips.

Ethan even got to ride a LION

It was a perfect day and a great way to celebrating Brett's Birthday.

Friday, April 8, 2011


My 10 year High School Reunion is this year. My Senior Class Presidency has started a group on Facebook. It has been so much fun to get back in touch with many of my Classmates, see old pictures from the old day's (Ha Ha, not really. I'm not THAT OLD), and think back of those exciting/awful days. I'm sure that I am not the only one to think back and not want to EVER go back to those terrible days. Once I was walking down the hall, wearing my brand spankin new K2 coat. When all the sudden this PUNK sprayed my NEW COAT with a squirt gun. Later I realized that it was not just water, It was BLEACH. Another time, I went to a party and few day's later found a stinky, rotten fish hidden beneath the back seat. Just a few reasons why you couldn't drag me back. ;)

On the other hand it has been sad to see how many of them have passed away. Drugs, accidents, etc... Who ever thought on Graduation Day that they would not even make it to their 10 year reunion.

I admit it, as you can see from my playlist... I am a total GLEE FAN. So here's what I have to say to all those PUNKS who ever gave me grief........

Now, don't get me wrong. High School was not all bad for me. I never had my locker filled with dirt and no one ever threw a slushie in my face. I loved being in the choir, got good grades, had GREAT Friends, went to prom, and even got my first kiss. I wasn't much of a prankster. I might be the only person who has never toilet papered a house.

It's Just Like Riding A Bike

Lately, We have been teaching Ethan how to ride his bike. It makes me think of the phrase "It's just like riding a bike." So, what do you do when you don't even know how to ride a bike??? Some day We will be able to say that to Ethan, but just not now.

I think He looks so stinkin cute!!! AHHH

After a while he was so content to just walk his bike around the yard. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today I celebrate being married to my sweet Husband for nine years and all the wonderful memories we have made together. My favorite thing to do on our anniversary is to remember how perfect everything went. Everything from the weather, to my dress, the temple, to my ring, cake, the reception, every small detail right down to the perfect Groom. Brett picked me up that morning and we rode to the temple together. I remember thinking "I'm getting married today." and the closer we got to the Salt Lake Temple my excitement grew and I felt a few more butterflies. We talked about how we were getting married in 45 minutes and then 25 and so on. I remember a moment where I saw my New Husband on one end of a long hallway. I remember my Mom talking to me but it felt so much like the movies when the music starts and and the two lovers run to each others embrace. Sappy, I know... ;) It was such a beautiful day. Much prettier than today.

Another thing I like to think about on our Anniversary is all the memories we have made together since. We have had so many fun times, hard times, and have gotten closer through it all. I SO look forward to the Many more memories that we will be making together forever.

Today I am SO Thankful for my Husband and the Nine years we have been together.