Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Good Mornings

There are many mornings when we get a phone call around 8:30 or 9:00 and sometimes 10:00, the one on the phone asks "Did I wake you up?" Often the answer is "Yes" or "No, we're just lying in bed." The Fact is that yes we like to sleep in. Especially now that we have a few long nights. :) And when we do wake up.... We snuggle. Sometimes for a cartoon or two. That's just how we roll. :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile

Todd gave me his FIRST OFFICIAL SMILE on January 9th. I was changing his diaper and he looked right at me and smiled. Todd smiles more and more everyday.

At Home Again :)

It's official. I'm a 100% Stay At Home Mom again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last year I got a job working at the school Brett teaches cleaning classrooms. It was the perfect job for me. I took Ethan to Brett, they went home and I worked about two hours and was home in time to make dinner. It was just the right amount of time for me to have some time to myself. It was also the right amount of time for Brett and Ethan to get some good bonding time. Since Todd came, it has been harder and harder for me to go to work and leave his sweet face. Brett and I talked about it and decided that he could make more money working in the shop than what I could make working. So..... It was an easy decision.

Three of the classrooms that I cleaned were Bretts. I had his wood shop, wood shop classroom and his technology classroom. He defiantly learned to appreciate what the "Sweepers" do. On my last day Brett surprised me with this candy bar poster.
It says
Wow. It's no trick there is no need to snicker it is beyond reason that you have done a wonderful job. You're the best Mom and it will be wonderful to have you home again for various reasons.

Isn't he sweet

I recently read this article. I loved and agreed with every part of it. So if you are in the mood for a little reading.....

A Parent's View: Why I am a stay-at-home mom

By Erin Stewart, Contributor

January 18th, 2012 @ 7:34pmSALT LAKE CITY — When I was eight months pregnant, I announced to my bosses that I would not be returning to full-time work after my first baby was born. One of my male bosses simply looked at me, winked, and said, “Yeah, we’ll see you in six months.”

I remember thinking two things at that moment: 1. Is 8 a.m. too early for a philly cheesesteak? (Hey, I was eight months pregnant. My first thought was always about food.) and 2. He just doesn’t get it.

This boss acted like my being a stay-at-home mom was a whim — something I was going to give my best shot but ultimately would come crawling back for a job and a life outside of diapers and breastfeeding. Maybe he thought I would find motherhood too hard, or mind-numbing or unrewarding.


Stay-at-home moms: Homemaking in the 21st century

For all that women were promised a choice in their careers and lifestyles, the one that we took for granted, homemaking, is the one that is no longer offered as a viable option. But people still choose it.

Being a stay-at-home mom was not a haphazard choice. It was something I wanted for me and for my children, not something I thought might be fun. For me, it was all part of the package of motherhood.

I realize that by extolling the virtues of stay-at-home moms, I open myself up to the scorn of the mommy blogosphere. So let me add that my choices are just that — mine. I don’t judge others for their choice to stay at home or to work because they have to or choose to or want to.

But often I find myself downplaying my decision to be a stay-at-home mom because I don’t want to seem like I think I’m hot stuff, or like I am more selfless or dedicated than working moms. I’m not. Every mother I know would readily give up everything for her child and none — working or not — would act against her child’s best interest.

Being a stay-at-home mom is the best choice for me and my children, and here’s why:

.Sometimes it is about quantity — Not every moment of motherhood is a picture-perfect picnic in a meadow. In fact, those are pretty rare. The real moments of motherhood for me are the day-in and day-out of being with my children while accomplishing the mundane tasks of life. This could be going for a swing in a sheet fresh from the dryer or tasting samples at Costco. Sometimes motherhood is about quality — those fun- filled moments that sear into your memory forever. But as a stay-at-home mom, I’m glad I’m there for all the other moments, too. They may not mean much individually, but they add up to a shared history with my kids.

.I want to raise my kids — I did not want someone else influencing my young children on a daily basis. I want to mess them up in my own unique way. But seriously, I am responsible for my children and want to share my values with them during this critical period of development.

.I am selfish — some of my decision to stay home with my kids is that I didn’t want to miss anything. I didn’t want someone else witnessing first steps or telling me about first words. I want to be the mom and get all the perks that come with it.

.I am at the crossroads — this is the biggest reason why I stay home with my kids, and it comes from one of my favorite talks by former LDS Church President Ezra Taft Benson. He encouraged mothers to “take time to always be at the crossroads when your children are either coming or going — when they leave and return from school, when they leave and return from dates, when they bring friends home. Be there at the crossroads whether your children are 6 or 16.”

So I’m there. I’m there for those few precious moments after preschool when my daughter will tell me about her day. I’m there for morning pancakes and bedtime kisses and everything else in between.

In some ways, my boss was right. I did return to work part time, cramming in writing and teaching whenever my children are asleep. But I’ve stayed true to my goal of being a stay-at-home mom.

And yes, some days of motherhood are too hard, too mind- numbing and too unrewarding. But five years into motherhood, I believe more than ever in my choice to be a stay-at-home mom.

Erin Stewart is a regular blogger for the Deseret News. From stretch marks to the latest news for moms, Stewart discusses it all while her 4-year-old daughter crams Mr. Potato Head pieces in her little sister's nose.


Last weekend, We (Brett and I) were headed to our first play at Hale Center Theater. We got talking and realized that it was 10 years ago, give or take day or two, that Brett Proposed to me. We thought it was funny that we are still driving the same car. It is a little bit messier than it was ten years ago on that night.

Ten Years ago I was getting ready for a date with Brett. I remember my Mom telling me to not wear that outfit and to wear this one, add more mascara, and have fun tonight. I just kind of brushed it off. Didn't think anything of it. He took me to dinner at Romano's Macaroni Grill. One of our favorite restaurants. During dinner I noticed that he was fidgety. After dinner we went and saw a movie Oceans Eleven. After the movie we went for a walk around the Shops at Riverwoods. The fidgeting got worse and worse. Then he kept checking his phone. I started to worry that he was going to break up with me. After our walk we got back into his car. We were driving down University Avenue and He kept checking his phone. I wondered Who does he need to talk to right now??????? Then all the sudden he said loudly "We are going to Cold Stone!" I have the biggest sweet tooth for Ice Cream and am defiantly a fan of the Founders Favorite at cold stone. I thought Great! What is a date without ice cream? After we enjoyed our treat I thought he was taking me home and then all the sudden he took a left turn and headed for the Provo LDS Temple. At this point I have no clue what is going on. It was freezing that night. After he parked the car, he kind of bolted towards the sidewalk. I thought "Can't he wait two seconds for me to zip up my coat?" I caught up to him and we took a walk around to the back side to the Temple. During our walk i noticed a person in a hooded jacket walking towards us. Then turned around and headed the other way. It was kind of weird. Again, I brushed it off. When we got to the back of the Temple. There on one of the benches was a dozen roses, a candle and the ring. Then it hit me. How did I not have a clue. We had been ring shopping a few weeks before. All the signs were pointing that way. He got down on his knee and proposed to me. It was perfect.

Then he started to tell me what had happened that night. The person in the hooded jacket was his sister Joda who was guarding the ring. When Brett got out of the car and rushed to the sidewalk it was because he realized that he parked right next to Joda's car filled with her entire family and did not want me to notice. Brett had been trying to reach Joda all night and that is why he kept checking his phone.

We are right ABOUT smack dab where we had hoped to be in ten years.