Monday, March 25, 2013

Strep Throat is a BEAST

I don't get sick very often (must be some kind of Mom Power) But when I do, it comes FLAMING. 
Thursday, I had the worst sore throat that I have ever had. I thought it was just a virus, so I decided to be tough and wait it out. Went to Zumba. Bad idea. I didn't have enough energy and the teacher kind of made fun of my sissyness. I spent the next day with cold/hot flashes. By Friday night, I was wrapped in the warmest five blankest we have in our home. I decided to go to the Dr. Saturday morning. They swabbed my throat, and the strep test was positive.
I've learned a few things during this sickness:
I really hate being sick
I don't have the time to be sick
My house doesn't clean itself
My Husband is the best caregiver and makes the warmest snuggle buddy
I found a new favorite movie - Morning Glory
Nothing tastes better than my Mom's homemade chicken noodle soup
last but not least...
I have NO CLUE how Single Mothers do it.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Hello Again!

Holy crackamoly!!! It's been SO long since I've posted here on my blog. If you want the short story, here it is: After a long time without the internet, trip to St. George, our home gaining 1200 square feet, getting our Adoption papers turned in and being APPROVED for our next adoption, I'm finally here again. 

If you want the long story, Keep reading: ;)

In january we decided to get rid of our cable tv and signed up with Hulu. It was great! We watched all 3 seasons of Downton Abby and really was thinking it was a great idea. THEN. Our internet connection went crazy. It was almost like it was too much for the server to handle. So we ordered new software, modem etc and what seemed like forever, we got our internet back. It's much faster and I love it. 

Brett had a conference down in St. George. So, we decided to leave the Boys with my Mom (yep, She's Awesome) and enjoy a weekend away together. It was so relaxing and much needed. The drive down was perfect. No one saying, are we there yet, how much longer, etc, etc, etc... ;) It was so nice to just talk with each other and just laugh. During Brett's classes, I headed to the Temple and had a wonderful time. I have never been inside the St. George temple before and it was beautiful. We met up with some of Brett's Cousins for dinner and laughed and laughed and laughed. This was the first time since we got Ethan that just the two of us have gone away together. We slept in, Stayed up late, went shopping and just enjoyed our time together. 

Valentines Day 

Valentines Day was so much fun. It was so much fun helping Ethan get his Valentines ready for all his friends at Preschool and having him come home with so many valentines from his friends. He was elated with each one. 
I made heart shaped pink pancakes with strawberries and cream. YUMMY!!!! Ethan is crazy about pancakes and has no problems eating them all gone. Which is a miracle most days. He's not much of an eater. 
Brett surprised me with my first Singing Valentine.  In high school, I was always crazy jealous of those girls that got singing valentines in class. I opened the door and standing there were four teenagers. They sang This Thing Called Love and gave me flowers and chocolates. Brett sure knows how to make his Valentine feel special.
A few of my High School friends have started getting together for a Girls Night Out. We had our first one a few weeks ago. We went to dinner, caught up with everyone, went to The Sweet Tooth Fairy for some sweet deliciousness and headed to our house to make a valentines craft. 

1200 Additional Square Feet
Before we were parents we use to rent our basement. We had two sets of family/friends who rented for a few months. Last September, we had a family member ask us if we would consider renting our basement to him and his soon to be wife. We weren't using our basement at all, so we decided to rent the basement to them. They got married in November and they moved in. They just got a better job in Price and moved out last week. Since them we have totally moved in and are using every square inch. We've moved ALL the toys downstairs (Heaven!!!!) moved the computer downstairs and made an office for Brett and I. We are loving the extra space. We spend most of our time downstairs now and the upstairs is clean all the time. It's a homemakers DREAM!

Trip to the ZOO
We took the Boys the the Zoo on Presidents day. 

We loaded up the wagon, Grandma and Grandpa and headed to the zoo. It is always a fun experience to see the boys get excited to see the animals. Our favorites were watching the seals swim in the water, the polar bear play in the snow and watching the Baby Giraffe  dance around in his pen. 

And the biggest thing that has taken most of my time lately is....


We are so excited!!!
So please share our link on your facebook page and help us spread the word.