Monday, March 25, 2013

Strep Throat is a BEAST

I don't get sick very often (must be some kind of Mom Power) But when I do, it comes FLAMING. 
Thursday, I had the worst sore throat that I have ever had. I thought it was just a virus, so I decided to be tough and wait it out. Went to Zumba. Bad idea. I didn't have enough energy and the teacher kind of made fun of my sissyness. I spent the next day with cold/hot flashes. By Friday night, I was wrapped in the warmest five blankest we have in our home. I decided to go to the Dr. Saturday morning. They swabbed my throat, and the strep test was positive.
I've learned a few things during this sickness:
I really hate being sick
I don't have the time to be sick
My house doesn't clean itself
My Husband is the best caregiver and makes the warmest snuggle buddy
I found a new favorite movie - Morning Glory
Nothing tastes better than my Mom's homemade chicken noodle soup
last but not least...
I have NO CLUE how Single Mothers do it.

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