Friday, April 22, 2011

Lets Go Fly A Kite

We had a FANTASTIC evening last night.

We took the kites down to the park and flew kits with Grandpa, Ashley, Uncle Kent and Sasha - the dog. Brett got these kites for his birthday and we have been waiting for a windy day ever since.
This one is a blast to fly. It flies best in winds from 3 to 30 miles per hour. Last night our winds were about 15 miles per hour. It was hard to keep a hold of that kite. It literally threw me on the ground. LOL. Brett learned a few tricks and really knows how to fly this kite.

This kite is more to my liking. Much easier and care free. I couldn't resist getting Brett this kite since he loves birds so much.

Ethan was so cute running all over the place, chasing Sasha and playing in the soccer net.
When the wind got colder we put the kits away and went to "OL McDonalds" (as ethan calls it) for Dinner
I sure hope Ethan remembers this day when he's older.

It was a really fun night. By the time we left there were four other kites in the sky.

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