Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Treat :)

It was Thursday November 17th. I remember one of my Friends on Facebook posted the song "I've got a Feelin"...... That Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night" by the Black Eyed Peas. I remembering thinking to myself that tonight was going to be a good night for me. Even thought we did not have any plans of any sort.

Later that night, I had just gotten off work, picked up Ethan from the sitters and was pulling into the driveway. I got a call from Brett. He was at Parent Teacher Conferences and I was surprised to get his call. He said you need to come to the school right now and sign this consent to be presented to a Birth Mother paper so we can fax it to our Adoption Agency. We've done this many times before. Our adoption agency sent us countless situations about a baby here, a baby there.... So this time I didn't really get my hopes up. I didn't really think we would ever get chosen. I turned the car back around and drove to Brett's School.

I walked into Brett's classroom and signed the paper and he faxed it over to our Caseworker at A Act Of Love - our private adoption agency. A few minutes later,our Caseworker called Brett and asked Him if we would be able to fly to Houston Asap if we were chosen to be His Parents. We told her "Yes" of course. So by now I'm getting a little excited, but i was still a little skeptical. I decided to head back home went back home.

Ethan and I picked up a happy meal and went home. When we got there my Mom was pulling into the driveway. My cell phone rang and it was our adoption agency. I quickly whispered to my Mom "Adoption Agency. Will you take care of Ethan?" Our Caseworker started talking to me about this Wonderful Birth Mother in Texas. Told me that she had the baby on Wednesday morning, She wanted a closed adoption and He is healthy, drug/alcohol free, Hispanic, Vietnamese and Caucasian. We were on the phone for about 10 minutes when she said "So go ahead and get your plane tickets and we will see you when you get here."................ It was then when I finally realized that We had been chosen and that He was our Baby. ........................... I got off the phone and told my Mom that we have a baby!!!!!!!!!!!

Then the panic set in. I need diapers, cloths, formula, what should I pack, etc.. My Mom suggested that we leave Ethan with her. I didn't want to do it. I would miss him so much and I didn't want to leave him behind. She finally convinced me that it would be less stress for us all if he stayed home. I packed his bag, favorite sleeping things (Puppy, Teddy Bear, pillow pet and sleeping bag) and told him that we were going to Texas to get Baby Brother and that he was going to stay with Grandma. It was so hard saying goodbye to Him.

We got about 20 minutes of sleep and headed to the airport at 4:30 the next morning (friday). We got on the plane at 6:30 am. It was so neat to see the sun rise from the sky. 
 I was so distracted thinking about this little baby boy. Was he ok? What did he look like etc.... I looked out the window a lot and was the first one to notice that we were flying over the Grand Canyon.
We arrived in Houston at noon. We got a rental car and bags. We made arrangements with our Caseworker from the adoption agency. First we needed to meed with the TX Attorney that was going to represent us in court in Texas. We turned on the GPS and still had no clue where we were going. We got lost most of the time. We finally reached Her office and met with our Attorney. She was kind of trying to talk us out of going through with the adoption. I kind of wondered if She had another family that she wanted the baby to get. Finally after what seemed like FOREVER, Brett boldly said "It was nice talking to you, but we need to go meet our Son."

We headed towards the Hospital and got lost AGAIN. Our Caseworker texted us this picture

Such a sweet picture. 

We were told to meet our Caseworker in the ER waiting room. We got to the ER and washed our hands. When I walked out of the bathroom..... there He was. He was so tiny in his little car seat. Melissa (our caseworker) handed him to me and said "Here's your Baby." ........................ If you are a woman you know what ...................... means. :) Melissa had His Birth Mom in her car and was going to take the Birth Mom home. Melissa told us to hide behind the Christmas Tree so when they drove by the hospital the BM would not see us in the window. This is how closed of an adoption this is. We waited five minutes and got out of there. Germs. The whole time looking over my shoulder, wondering if anyone was going to stop us.

We got in the car and started driving to our Hotel. The hotel we booked was another hour away. At this point, I didn't care how much money we lost by canceling our hotel, I just wanted Brett to drive to the nearest hotel, so I could count all of his little fingers and toes. Kiss his little face and really look at my new Son. Right then, my phone rang and it was an unknown number. I answered it and it was the Sister of a dear family friend. She lived very close to where we were. She said "We would love it if you guys would come stay with us, We adopted a baby 16 years ago and would love to have you stay with us for Thanksgiving." Talk about an answer to a prayer. They were such wonderful people.
We really had a great time with them and I think they even enjoyed having us in their home. We truly enjoyed spending these precious days with them.

I cannot stop crying these past few days. About a month ago I got the strong feeling that we were going to get a baby before Christmas. Occasionally our adoption agency would send us an email of a baby due in January or February etc... and I just kept thinking of my strong feeling about a baby before Christmas. I found myself looking at things to buy this baby for Christmas. Now I can't wait to go CHRISTMAS SHOPPING :)

Today is Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for everything that has happened in the last day, week, month and year.


Leslie said...

What a breathtaking story! Thank you for sharing. He is such a beautiful little guy.

Bemily said...

What a wonderful way to spend your Thanksgiving with your new son!! Thank you for sharing the story and we love and miss you!

Rachelle said...

Oh my goodness. You know why adoption stories make me want to cry...but wow. I can't believe how different closed adoptions are, too. It's amazing how different they can be. I am so happy for you!