Sunday, February 28, 2010

The day that made it on my list

We all have a list of the best days of our lives. Well one year ago, today made an appearance on my list.
Today is the first anniversary of the day we took Ethan to the Provo Temple to be sealed to us forever. This day was full of tender mercies that mean so much to me. We are eternally grateful for the blessings of the temple and that Ethan is ours forever. He has brought so much joy and love into our lives.

We had so many amazing experiences in the temple. My favorite was hearing Ethan blow raspberries and hear his coos in the temple. We shared the day with the closest family and friends and I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was such a blessing to have Kirsten's Mom and Dad in the temple and Kirsten and her Brothers waiting for us outside. We are forever grateful for the relationship we have with them. Not a day is ever through until we thank the Lord for their love and sacrifice. You have changed our lives forever.

Today I am thankful for the Temple and Everyone who shared this day with us.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Who Does That???

Who rings the door bell five times, waits five seconds, then loudly knocks six times??? WHO DOES THAT??? Now maybe if you know Brett's family and friends then it might be them. But No, today it was this strange old man looking for my husband.

Today I am thankful that Ethan has taking a nap!!! He's been asleep for 2 hours so far. He's been boycotting them lately.

Weekend Get Away

Last weekend we have a great opportunity to escape some of this crazy weather and headed to St. George for the weekend. We invited Ethan's birth mom Kirsten to come along and we had a blast. The drive down was a little crazy due to a very tired little boy and that four letter word that I hate this time of year that rhymes with "no"(SNOW). Saturday morning Brett had to go to his conference so Kirsten, Ethan and I headed to the pool. I had not purchased a new swimming suit for Ethan so I thought maybe if we have a little luck Ethan will fit into his 0-3 Month suit... It FIT. A little snug and a little short, but it fit. He loves to swim. Too bad it only lasted 15 minutes before Ethan's lips were turning blue and some strange people joined us in the pool. We headed back to the room to shower and head out for a day of shopping. We first stopped at old navy to get Ethan a new swim suit. He now sports this little number:

We both got a new pair of pants and this is where the embarrassing moment comes in. The other day we were out for a walk. I was wearing my snazzy new pair of jeans. Lady stopped to chat with us. She commented on how cute Ethan was (this happens all the time) and then we got to talking about the weather and such. We started to our different ways when she said cute pants, where did you get them? I said, Thanks, Old Navy 19 bucks. She said, I can never find cute pants for my little guy, I'll have to go check it out this week. I quickly realized she wasn't admiring my snazzy pair but Ethan's.

After shopping we headed to lunch. Ethan was sporting his new hair style. Kirsten combed his hair into a mohawk. Every girl was all gaga about him. He's always been a flirt and such a ladies man. After lunch we headed back to the hotel. Ethan fell asleep in the truck so we drove around until we found a park. Kirsten and I talked in the truck until Ethan woke up. We went for a walk and played at the park until Brett was ready for us to pick him up. I wish I had my camera ready to take a picture of what happened next. We were all outside enjoying the weather. We saw a dog who found a puddle of water for a drink. Ethan saw this and went right over, squatted down and stuck out his tongue in a licking motion. (Now come on, I did not let him lick the water. I'm a good mom, I promise). It was hilarious.

It was great to get a way and even better to come home. We love having such a great relationship with Kirsten. The only regret I have is not taking ANY pictures. Maybe Kirsten will email me a few.

Today I'm thankful for the hope of Spring.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

One Year Ago TODAY

All day long today I have been thinking about the wonderful day 365 days ago. We legally finalized Ethan's adoption. It was such a wonderful day filled with happiness, tears and laughter. It was a little strange being surrounded by criminals in the courthouse hallway waiting for our turn. It was great that we had the courtroom all to our selves. We are forever grateful for the love of Ethan's Birth Mom and the blessing of being a part of her family.

After leaving the courthouse we got in the car and headed to lunch. On the way there I read the paperwork and to my surprise they had made a mistake. It read... Baby Boy Christensen, born June 9, 2009. I read it again and again and again. How could this have been missed by so many people. Our attorney, his assistant, the Judge and the list goes on. We promptly called our attorney office and informed them of the mistake. Just a little glitch. It was promptly amended and it's all history.

Today and EVERY DAY I am grateful for ADOPTION