Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fabulous Morning

This morning was fabulous because many things that I love were part of it. It started out EARLY. My alarm sounded at 6 am. I got ready, put on my FSA (Family Supporting Adoption) tee shirt and headed to the Provo High School. I had been asked to give a presentation about Adoption. As I walked into the school I could not stop thinking that I was SOOOO Glad I'm not a High School Student again. Phew!!! I checked in at the office and made my way into the classroom. The FSA committee double booked the Adoption Parents. So I got to listen to another great story about another Adoptive Couple and a Birth Mom. I am so glad I went. It is always so nice to hear other stories and how Birth Mom's pick their families. I am so glad that schools do this to educate Students about how adoption works. The chances of one or more of those Students in the class being affected by adoption is high. Either they find themselves pregnant and consider adoption or even find themselves hoping to Adopt.

After the class I run to Sam's Club to pick up a few things. I love Sam's Club!!! Since Ethan was home with Brett (who is home sick for the day) I took advantage and spent a little extra time. I went down my favorite aisles admiring all the wonderful things there. My Mother use to talk about her favorite stores and say "If someone gave me a million dollars to spend in one store, this would be the store." I think that Sam's Club would be my store. There are so many things there that I just want to buy. A new kitchen table, our dream playhouse for the back yard, a huge selection of movies, new furniture, soft cozy blankets, pictures. And oh, the Christmas decorations, presents. The list goes on. I felt like a little kid in the department store. And as I walked out of the store the air smelled of Ginger Bread Cookies.

I even made it home to snuggle in bed with my two favorite Boy's.

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