Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lately, the craze on Facebook is change your profile picture to a childhood cartoon you loved. My all time favorite childhood cartoon I watched was...

"Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears."

I remember watching it ALL THE TIME and have many fond memories of this show.

Today I am thankful for such a wonderful Childhood. Thanks Mom and Dad!!!

Here Comes Santa Claus

Our House has been filled with Christmas Excitement! Ethan has been obsessed with the many decorations spread around the house.

He defiantly cannot leave this alone.

He is His new favorite Christmas Friend. Which made me thing that he would be delighted to meet...
Santa Claus!
Ethan has not shown any shyness when it has come to Santa until this year. He defiantly had some hesitation. Maybe it had something to do with the many Children crying before his turn. ??? When it was his turn, I handed my Little Guy to the Big Guy and Ethan instantly turned my way and said "I wanna hold you Mom." After some encouragement and a bag of treats Ethan gave me his "Cheese" smile:
Which always includes his eyes closed shut. And I knew everything was just fine with these two.

Ethan learned the song Jingle Bells tonight at our Ward Christmas Party. We have several wonderful families in our Ward that absolutely love Ethan and teach him all kinds of stuff. Ethan sings "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all da way." Over and Over, I love it!

The one thing that seems to bring all the excitement to Ethan's eyes is...

Pop-In-Kins as Ethan calls him.

This is Christopher Pop-In-Kins. Santa's Very First Children's Elf. Each day, Christopher hides in a different place – up out of reach, where he can see clearly who is naughty or nice. Every morning Ethan searches the house to find his new friend. It has been such a fun game in our house and I would recommend it to anyone. Check out Christopher Pop-in-Kins and the book online or at my favorite children's books store: Fun Finity.

Today I am thankful for Christmas!