Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

This year brought us everything we hoped. Now we're looking forward to what 2012 will bring.

Friday, December 30, 2011

A Christmas to Remember

This Christmas Season has been such a wonderful, special, fun filled, memorable season. It has been so special with our two little boys and we have loved every moment of Christmas this year.

We spent a few days watching The Polar Express. It became Ethan's favorite movie. He often told the boy who was reluctant to board the train to "Get on the train!" Another time, we were at a funeral and Ethan asked me for my "Ticket" I handed him the program and he proceeded to punch my ticket a million times. I then realized that he was punching my ticket like the conductor in the Polar Express. He has got such a great imagination.

Ethan spent his last Sunday in Nursery. He has always been a big fan of Nursery. He loves playing, treats and meeting new friends. He will start his first "Official" day in Primary tomorrow. :( I can't believe that he is old enough to be a Sunbeam. I'm a little worried about how tomorrow will go with no toys or treats.
We had a couple of Family Christmas parties. Both parties had a special visit from Santa Claus. This year Ethan knew just what to ask Santa to bring him on Christmas Eve. Doctor Tools. It was so fun watching Ethan tell Santa in detail what he wanted. It's kind of funny because he got Dr tools for his Birthday. But he was determined to tell Santa that he wanted more. :) I kind of wonder if he will become a Doctor some day.

Our family has the Children act our the Nativity Story. Todd was Baby Jesus

Ethan was a Wise Man (A.K.A Santa). Ethan was determined that he was dressed up like Santa with Red pants, red coat and red hat.

At one of the parties Uncle Blake brought his Train. Ethan went crazy! He's all about trains these days. Mostly from Thomas the Train and The Polar Express. He loved being the Conductor, honking the horn and blowing the whistle. It was way Better than Santa.

Christmas morning was really fun. I love being a Parent on Christmas Eve. It's so much fun. We set out the milk and cookies for Santa and sent the boys to bed.

Santa brought us a Puppy!!!!!
Ethan was so excited to have a new puppy. She spends the day in the shop with Brett and gets really Dusty so we named her Dusty.

This is what Santa left for Ethan
And this is what he left for Todd
And here is Todd doing what he does best lately. :)
We had such a fun Christmas. Especially since we have little Todd with us. What a great way to end a year.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and may all your New Year dreams come true.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Todd's First Month

Todd turned one month old yesterday. I cannot believe how fast this month has gone by. I will always remember the moment I first saw him and held him in my arms. Te quickly snuggled right into my heart. These past few weeks have been so precious getting to know him.

Ethan still loves everything about him. He's such a great big brother.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Well, we have been home from Texas for a little more than a week. We came home to family and friends who were anxious to meet little Todd. We came home to find our friend Rodney put up the outdoor Christmas Lights on our house, A clean and organized home - Thanks Mom :) and lots and lots of people excited to see us. Things are starting to settle down. The Christmas Tree and decorations are up. :) Ethan loves having his Mom and Daddy home and espeially is a great Big Brother. Ethan just loves his little brother. He loves holding, talking about him. He says "You're my best Buddy" all the time to Todd.

Christmas time has always been a special time of year for me. This year has been extra special to me since we now have our little Christmas Baby. I don't know if I posted about this yet but about three months ago I kept getting this feeling that we would get a baby before Christmas. As Christmas got closer and close I thought maybe it was just wishful thinking. Then when we got the "Call". It was an amazing way for me to feel the love of God.

I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas this year. Mine is :)