Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Moments That Matter

Lately, we have been finding more ways to create memories, time and pay attention to the things that matter most. So, Fall Break was last week. We had a few plans, like going to the pumpkin patch and  hike the Grotto one more time. Some of you may know that we are VERY much like last minute people. We just like being flexible. With an hour's notice, We packed up our trailer, headed up the canyon and went camping.  WE HAD A BLAST!  

The weather was a little chilly, but that did not stop us from having a good time. Ethan loved exploring with his cousins and playing in the mud.

Todd loved playing with his new scooter/walker or what ever this thing is called. :)

Brett took Ethan fishing with Larz (Larz is Brett's favorite sub that he likes to schedule when he is away). They had a BLAST. 

It is always those last minute, thrown together ideas that are the most fun and are filled with the memories that we will never forget. 

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

This is so awesome! I'm not great at being spontaneous, but this makes me want to try to be better at it!