Sunday, November 18, 2012


Today is the year mark of the first time I got to see and hold my sweet baby Todd. I am so grateful for Him and the joy he has brought into my life. 

I can't stop thinking about his sweet Birth Mom. We are so thankful for her. We pray and hope she is doing well. Also, thankful for everyone who made it possible and helped us during our precious two weeks in Texas. 

We're not announcing anything, but we are excited to start our paperwork again so we can meet and hold our next little bundle of joy.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Another Check

As a child, I had a great imagination. I had many adventures and dreamed of what my life would be like. A lot of them were the usual. Become a princess, live in a castle, have children. Then there were the ones that weren't so usual. My Grandmother told me stories about her mother and how she decorated wedding cakes.  She showed me pictures of the cakes she decorated over the years. A few years later my Grandma gave me her cake decorating books and the dream grew from there. 

Last week I had the chance to make a wedding cake. 

The Back 

This is the 7th wedding cake I've made. 

I always get a little stressed when I make a wedding cake.. I've found that if I say my prayers over and over they seem to turn out just right. :)

So, now that I look back on my little list. I've married my Prince, live in a castle (more or less :) have the best little family I could have asked for and decorate wedding cakes. :)
This is my song for this Post.

I have no clue what most the song is about. But... 

It's Wonderful

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It started at the Birthday Party....

A few weeks ago, Ethan got invited to his First Friend Birthday Party. He was so excited and spent a long time picking out the best gift for his little friend. 

I dropped him off and enjoyed a few extra hours and got a ton of stuff done. I picked him up an hour and half later and he looked like this....
Ever since, he has been OBSESSED with Cowboys. 
So, He did not want to be anything but a Cowboy. Which was the easiest costume I've ever made for him. We borrowed my Brothers Chaps that He wore when he was little, made his stick horse out of fabric (so he would last longer), and put on his Cowboy Boots.

We had his costume just right by Halloween night.

You can't have a cowboy with out....
I had so much fun making Todd's costume. I made it. Everything from his headband to his crochet moccasins. We even got the feather from the chickens out back. 

He can walk, But does not like to. 

There is no contention between these two. Who ever knew a Cowboy and an Indian could get along so good. 

While we went trick or treating we left a bowl full of candy with these signs. It must have been a good idea, because there was still candy in the bowl when we got home. 

We even ran into the Ghost Rider and a Witch.