Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Hello again.

Summer is always a rough time for me. Trying to keep my children happy, teach them to be independent and be able to self manage themselves is quite a bit of work. So to say the least I desperately find ways to keep them busy.

For Ethan, this summer has started off with a stem camp at the ALC in Salem. He has had a blast coding, making model airplanes, and looking forward to the airplane simulator. All of these this are right up his alley.

So, while he's away. Todd, Carrie and I have had such a good time doing things that Ethan does not want to do. Such as going to the library for storytime and a craft, going to the park, going on walks, and just having a good time together.

Another thing that makes Summer hard is Brett often will go away for work for weeks at a time. On Friday he's supposed to leave to go to Chicago again to work on the remodel of the temple. For the past few years he has been doing fire sprinklers be Chicago temple and this should be the last year for the shutdown. While Brett is away it's really difficult for me to keep things going smoothly. I often wonder how single mothers do anyting. So, while he is away I plan on trying to find a way to have something to look forward each day. I would like to invite Clair Wade and Rowen over to decorate a cake, go to the swimming pool another day, take the kids to the new toy story 4 movie and maybe something else that will fill the days while he's away.  I sure hope and pray that it will go well.

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