Sunday, July 7, 2019

Last week we had a really fun week and had a fun week with  filour cousins. Phil and Shelley went to Boston and Claire and Raylene watched their kids while they were away. Raylene is really good at creating fun things for her grandkids. Monday we all went up to Payson lakes and played on the water. Raquel and Joda, Darcy and a few of the cousins all came and we had a picnic. The kids all had a blast playing in the water while I worked a little bit on my suntan. Another day raylene took the boys to see the new Aladdin movie. On the 4th of July we had everyone over for a barbecue. Adrie came over and helped me make star sugar cookies and our traditional gummie kabobs. the year we went to see Mom and Dad on their first mission Brett in Palmyra, Mom and I went to an adorable Amish store. They were selling these gummy kabobs and I thought they were so fun. The week after we got home was the 4th of July and we are then while we watched fireworks. So, we've had them every year while we watch fireworks since. Brett was able to come home from Chicago that evening around 5. It was so nice having him home and there for the party.

Brett only ended up to be in Chicago for a week and a half which was a great surprise and a huge relief . The week with just the kids was actually surprising. We went to the pool a couple times , had  a fun day at the Salem park, played at the memorial Park and just made sure we had something to do everyday.

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