Friday, October 14, 2011

Sara Bareilles - Gravity

One of my friends use to say "Wouldn't life be better with background music." and someone on Pinterest posted "I wish Morgan Freeman narrated my Life." Sounds good right? Today I'm feeling like this is the song that would be playing today. We came SO close to being able to adopt a sweet Baby Girl that was born on Monday. We were so excited. Things were falling into place like it was really going to happen. We were even able to see a picture of her beautiful little face. We were told that the Couple really connected with us while they read our profile. We were told that the Birth Mom, many Family members and the agency ALL were hoping that we would be Her parents. We cleaned up our car seat and put it in the trunk of our car so we could leave in any second. Then it came down to the Birth Father. He did not want to place Her with a family that is "Overly Zealous In Religion". So the search went out nationally to find another family. She was placed with a non-LDS family today. Break my heart. I can't stop thinking - If we did not go to church - would we have this Sweet Little Girl?"
One of my dear Friends on Facebook posted a profound statement once:
"Sometimes it seems like Satan is winning".
On another note... Sometimes I have felt like we need to hide that we are a religious family. Felt like that we would get chosen faster if we would just keep that little sentence out of our Birth Parent Letter. Then what it comes down to us not being who we really are.
I know that there is a sweet baby out there somewhere/sometime meant to be in our little family. Until then.........


Bemily said...

Becca, I'm so sorry. That must be so difficult and frustrating. I can't even imagine. You are an amazing example of faith and what a good friend is. I love you!

rmt said...

Oh my gosh Becky. This hurts my heart for you. When my sister placed her baby, she wanted a family that was strong in the church! Not all birth mothers are going to be turned off by that. You don't need to hide who you are. I'm so sorry this happened. Love you.

Elena said...

oh, gosh, that is really hard, Becky. it pains me that you guys have to go through this. but I believe that you are who you are and you shouldn't hide it. your family is such a wonderful example of faith to all of us. I still believe the Lord has a plan for your little family!

Elena said...

oh and i love that song!

Anonymous said...

Becky hugs to you and your cute family. Never hide who you are for that is what will bring your little one home to you. You are in my thoughts.