Friday, March 2, 2012

Three Hundred Ninety One

I've never been one of those people who make a list of New Year Resolutions. However, This year I've made a Resolution of my own. Not necessarily a New Years Resolution, but one that ends with me turning 30. Yes..... 30. AHHHHHH!!!! A lot of people I know have made goals like By my 30th birthday I'm going to be a millionaire. Man, I wish I would have been one of those.... :) So my goal is to be thirty, Flirty and Thriving by the day I turn the big 30. I've got a little count down timer on my desktop that reminds me now much closer I am to that day. 391 today, tomorrow 390........ So, I've already started my efforts. I signed up for the community workout program. Pumped on Monday, Zumba Tuesday (which I can't always attend due to YW responsibilities), Ripped Wednesday and Zumba again on Thursday. My motivation quotes are: Everyday is one day closer to a skinnier me, Pain is weakness leaving the body, and the usual No Pain, No Gain. I've really enjoyed the classes. Pumped and Ripped are defiantly kicking my butt, but that's what it's all about. This is definantly how I feel about Zumba

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

LOL! I love that picture! I have the same goal before I turn 30...aren't our birthdays really close to the same time? I'll help keep you motivated if you help me! :)

Remember when 30 used to sound old...hahaha! :) :)