Friday, March 2, 2012

Seeing the light

The last YEAR or so has been CRAZY. We've been trying to get Ethan Potty Trained. We started last year. Right about the beginning of the year. We read books, I read articles, bought stickers, treats, prizes, the whole shebang. I had everyone telling me how to proceed. Try this.... Try the potty training in 3 days, try that..... He was excited about it at first. He loved wearing the Big Boy underpants. It was all new and exciting. But that did not last very long. Thankfully he caught right on and started doing the #2 in the toilet every time. He kept having accidents so we decided to put him into pull ups. Now a year later and since I quit my job I have been determined to get him trained. We tried everything. The pulls ups that get cold when wet - don't really work at all, the pull ups that have the image that fades away when wet. He was always excited to see that the image was always on the next pull up. We spent the entire day in the kitchen (No carpet) making cookies, drinking juice boxes. We tried everything. My last attempt was this. I went to the store, bought Potty Treats of ALLL kinds, Angry Bird Stickers and bought Puss In Boots when it was released.
I taped Puss in Boots and his Potty Chart on the wall. If he was still dry after going potty he got a smily face and a sticker on his Potty Chart and two potty treats of his choice. If he went Three days without an accident he could watch Puss In Boots. We did a bunch of Potty dancing, emergency stops for the potty when away from the house. Finally, we watched Puss In Boots tonight. Now he has to go 5 more days without an accident to go fishing with Daddy. And the incentives go on from there. I am FINALLY starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Potty Training has been my LEAST favorite, Hardest part of being a mom.
I just hope I'm not jinxing myself.


Unknown said...

I hear you - UGH to potty training!!

Rachelle said...

Agh! Boys are just hard to potty train. That's all there is to it. And wait until he decides he wants to pee in the toilet standing's like potty training all over again! Good luck :)