Saturday, November 2, 2013

When it Rains......

IT POURS!!!!!!!!!!
We had an EPIC rain storm. One that had three generations in awe. Brett's family has lived in this area for many years and they have never seen a rain storm like this. 

If you don't know, I am a HUGE fan of rain storms. Especially SUMMER RAIN STORMS. One day in September, I was sitting on the porch with my boys. We were watching the rain fall from the sky, listening to the thunder and enjoying every bit of the weather that day. 

Then all the sudden, the water went over the sidewalk and started to come closer to our house. I got really worried and panic started............ It never went past my flower bed that is shown in the picture above. It was quite interesting. The river usually goes under the road and through our back yard. There was so much water that it jumped across the road went around my house and joined the river in the back of our house. We literally had a water motte around our house.  

It was sure one of the most fascinating rain storm I have ever seen. 

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