Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My Little School Boy

This year Todd Started Preschool to help improve his speech. I cannot believe how fast time has gone and this boy is learning so many things. A few weeks ago he was able to start riding the bus. Which was traumatic in every way. A few days before school, the bus stopped by to introduce Todd to the driver and gave Todd a "Tour" of the bus. I thought it was sweet of them to give Todd a tour. 
Then the day came for Todd to actually ride the bus to school. He was super excited when the bus pulled up at our house. He was even excited to get into his seat. BUT........ when I turned to walk away.... ALL HECK BROKE LOOSE. Todd looked at me with sad eyes of BETRAYAL. 
 I lost it and cried and cried and cried as the bus drove away. A few minutes later I got a call from the Bus Driver who said that Todd had settled down just as they turned the corner and He was doing fine.
Oh, the hard things that us Moms have to do.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Christmas - Catch Up

I cannot believe I forgot to post about our Christmas.........

Christmas was so much fun. 

I'm always amazed how Magical Christmas is with Children. Our Christmas had many special moments, including family parties, lessons about Jesus, many times watching The Polar Express, a fun trip to the North Pole on the North Pole Express. The most magical surprise was waking up to Snow Christmas morning. We had no snow on the ground on Christmas Eve. What a special gift. 

Ethan got the Guitar he asked Santa for. He was so excited. Todd enjoyed his car track. But then, 15 minutes after playing with his car track, He went and found his Trains and played with them for the rest of the day. That boy is Obsessed with his Trains. 

I was able to capture this picture of the boys talking about baby Jesus on Christmas Eve. I cherish it with every bit of my heart. Ethan was telling Todd all about Baby Jesus and Todd listened with such attention. 

One story that I'd like to write down is:
The day I was putting the Nativity on the Piano. Ethan was helping me. I asked him "Where is Jesus, Mary etc... When I asked him where the Wise Men were... Shortly after, He asked 
"Where are the Foolish Men?" 
I laughed and laughed and laughed. 

Wedding Cupcakes

One of my quick favorite treats to make are Cupcakes.
They are easy and delicious.
I was asked by a Wedding Planner to make 9 dozen cupcakes for a wedding she was coordinating. This was my first wedding and I have never made anything close to NINE dozen cupcakes. 

I think they turned out quite nice. 

The hardest part was figuring out how much to charge :)

Hobby Preview

One of my FAVORITE Hobbies is.....
Throughout my lifetime I've had a lot of experience with baking and making delicious treats. My Brother and his Friends called me Becky Crocker and often requested that I make them cookies after a long day at school. I once made 90 pies (in one weekend) to raise money for Choir Tour. Within the last few years, I've focused on making my "Treats" not only taste delicious but also look Delicious. 

Recently, I've been OBSESSED with the TV show The British Bake Off. I'm actually watching it right now. :)
I can't get enough of it.
I really have loved learning the techniques the Contestants use to make their creations. 
I would absolutely LOVE to go to Culinary Art school and become the Next Mary Crafts. UVU has an amazing program. They just had their Spring Gala and I was drooling to go. Unfortunately, the cost was $90 a ticket and I could not justify spending $90 on a meal to actually go. 

Every year, on Valentines Day, I make my one FANCY meal of the year. I get out all of my fancy dishes, goblets, silverware and linens. I look forward to making this Meal every year. We always have a late dinner, after the children have gone to bed. Which is great, because it gives me more time to prepare. This year we invited our Parents to join us. 

I made a Sirloin Pork Roast on the Rotisserie, Roasted Red Potatoes and a Spinach Strawberry Salad with Feta Cheese and candied Pecans.  My Mother in law brought the Asparagus and Carrots and my Mom brought the Raspberry Slush for the Beverage. 

For Dessert I made a Strawberry Basil Tart with Basil Custard. Which was inspired by the Pies and Tart Episode from The British Bake Off.  I followed THIS recipe, but made a few of my own adjustments. I followed the recipe for the crust (substituted the almonds for Pecans) and the Custard completely. 
Which was a fabulous choice. I made Strawberry Danish for the sauce. 
I used my NEW individual tart dishes that Brett got for me for Valentines Day and some dishes I got from my Grandmother. 


Years ago, I use to run this track while I was training for my Triathlon. This track was great therapy for me while I exercised my way through my frustrations of my infertility. 
Today, for my workout I decided to take the boys to the same track I ran so many times before. I was surprised how emotional I was seeing that my Team was now, two of my very own.