Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My Little School Boy

This year Todd Started Preschool to help improve his speech. I cannot believe how fast time has gone and this boy is learning so many things. A few weeks ago he was able to start riding the bus. Which was traumatic in every way. A few days before school, the bus stopped by to introduce Todd to the driver and gave Todd a "Tour" of the bus. I thought it was sweet of them to give Todd a tour. 
Then the day came for Todd to actually ride the bus to school. He was super excited when the bus pulled up at our house. He was even excited to get into his seat. BUT........ when I turned to walk away.... ALL HECK BROKE LOOSE. Todd looked at me with sad eyes of BETRAYAL. 
 I lost it and cried and cried and cried as the bus drove away. A few minutes later I got a call from the Bus Driver who said that Todd had settled down just as they turned the corner and He was doing fine.
Oh, the hard things that us Moms have to do.


Leslie said...

this is the cutest. and i feel you!

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