Thursday, July 1, 2010

Family Reunion

This year our family reunion was at Lava Hot Strings in Idaho. We love to go camping and had been looking forward to this weekend for some great camping and R&R. We arrived at the KOA (not our usual camping experience, we like to feel like we are the only humans for many miles) and set up our tent for the weekend, noticed a train going by as Ethan announced to the camp. Didn't think anything of it. Continued setting up or tent and another train went by.

We had pot luck dinner with the fam and many of us mentioned how often the train goes by. Every 15 MINUTES we came to understand. We all were getting a little worried about our night sleep, hoping it will stop at sun down and continued with our activities.

Since it was Fathers Day weekend, KOA had something special planned for each night to honor Fathers. Friday Night they had a flash light scavenger hunt. It was really fun. We played Going On A Bear Hunt until the sun went down. We arrived at the playground and began hunting for our candy. Scavenger hunts are way more fun in the dark. Ethan was tired so we went to bed.

Things were going good so far. Ethan was asleep, there were a few cars that passed along the road. And then it happened. A Train:(:(:( I immediately bit my lip in hopes Ethan would not wake up. The tracks were literally across the road. It sounded like it was headed strait toward our tent. This went all night long. Thankfully Ethan was worn out from the day's activities and slept through the night. I just wished the same for me.

The next morning we headed to the pool. Ethan loves swimming and could spend the whole day in the pool. We swam until lunch at the park and continued with our reunion. Ironicly the only pictures I took were at lunch.

Ethan loves watermelon and seemed to eat only that and cookies all day.

We cut the trip short cuz we wanted to get "some" sleep and were home to celebrate Fathers Day at home.

Just remember...



Today I am thankful for trips like this that make you appreciate home.

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