Saturday, May 14, 2011

Part Two

Today we went to the Annual FSA (Families Supporting Adoption) Celebrating Adoption Walk with Ethan's Birth Mom Kirsten. Typically this event is held on Birth Mothers Day and due to scheduling conflicts we celebrated today.

Ethan was so excited to give Kirsten her rose.

Cosmo showed up and Ethan just loved giving him five and knuckles.

There were fun games to play and tons of candy to eat.

And even a fire truck to ride.

My favorite part of the day was the balloon release that represented Birth Mothers. Ethan didn't want to let his balloon go until he saw everyone else let go of theirs.

I kind of got a little teary eyed when I looked up and saw all the balloons in the sky. Knowing that one of those represented Kirsten. And then for a second I thought about our NEXT Birth Mom and let one go for Her. (and NO :( I'm not announcing anything)

After we went to lunch at Kirsten's favorite restaurant Carrabbas. It was so much fun to sit and talk. It has been a while since we've seen Kirsten's Dad so it was so nice to relax and enjoy each others company. We gave Kirsten the present Ethan and I had been working on. Before Ethan was born Kirsten and I would often go to Barnes and Noble to pick out a book for Ethan to have. Lately I can't read enough books to Ethan and he has memorized a few. His favorite book is Jack and The Bean Stalk. He loves the FEE FI FO FUM part. So we got one of those recordable books from Hallmark and I had Ethan read the story for Her. It's so cute
He absolutely loved pushing the record and stop record button. It was so much fun getting this book ready for her. I hope she loves it as much as we do.

Ethan just smiled and snuggled with her as they read it together.
It was such a fantastic day.

1 comment:

rmt said...

I love this post! I wish I would have gone to that event with my mom and sister. It looks like it was really neat.

Seriously, your gift for Kirsten is so cute! I'm sure she loved it!I got a little teary reading about it. I think it is so wonderful that you have such a good relationship with Ethan's birth mom. He is one lucky (and adorable) boy. :)