Sunday, September 11, 2011

In Remembrance of 9/11

I remember 10 years ago today. I was picking green beans in my Grandpa's garden when my Grandmother poked her head out the window and told us that one of the World Trade Centers was hit by an air plane. Honestly I did not even know there was a World Trade Center let alone that there were two. I thought "Oh no" it must just be an accident. Mostly because I never thought that the USA would ever be attacked. It never crossed my mind that it would ever happen. Then a while later my Grandma poked her head out the window again an said that the second tower had been hit by a plane as well. My Mom and I looked at each other and headed in to watch the news to see what was going on. Then we watched in disbelief the towers fall to the ground. Then we heard news of the pentagon and Flight 93. Etc... Etc.. Etc... There were people saying things like are they done. Worries about major military basis being in danger. I had a good friend that was at boot camp at the time. I was so nervous about her. Lucky she was fine. I had to go into work that day. I worked at Macey's the grocery store. It was chaos. Everyone came into the store to buy food storage, bottled water and just about anything they could to prepare for an attack here.

Tears still came to my eyes today as I thought back on that day and watched the tv documentary's about that awful day.
May We Never Forget

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