Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Favorite Song

Ethan and I are defiantly Toy Story's BIGGEST FANS! Ethan usually wakes up each morning saying "I want french toast" or "I want cereal". But this morning he walked out of his room announcing: "I wanna watch Buzz". I couldn't resist and so we snuggled up and watched Toy Story 3 while we ate our breakfast. When the credits started and the music played I couldn't help but start dancing. Dancing with a two year old is the best kind of dancing in the world. There is no one standing there looking at you like - what are you doing? We listened to this and that song over and over and over. Ethan say's "Dance like Buzz" and swayes his hips from side to side. So STINKIN CUTE!

So... My new favorite song is Randy Newman's We Belong Together .
Love it, Love it, Love it!!!!!
The words say it ALL!

It was defiantly a great way to start the day.

Today I am thankful for TOY STORY!

PS. Our Christmas story will come as soon as I can find my power cord to our video camera. ;)

1 comment:

Angie said...

Oh how I love Toy Story. {Especially the third one!} Spanish Buzz makes me laugh every time.