Friday, September 21, 2012

What's in a Name? Anyway...

I kind of chuckle every time I fill out one of these

When I was in Elementary, I met a new friend named Rebecca. Since we had the same name our friends called her Becca and I was Becky, so they could tell us apart. Still, we both called each other Becca. My Family calls me Becca and whenever my friends would call and ask for Becky, they often said you have the wrong number. When I met Brett, I was with my friends so I was introduced as Becky. So all his Friends, Family and people in our Ward and Stake call me Becky. 

So, all my life, I've found myself in this Monopoly of the oh so many forms of my name. So when I found myself with the sticker last weekend, I decided to get a little creative.

I answer to them ALL

Re- Becca - Came from my Grandma B. She always said it by emphasizing on the RE part.

Beck A Rimus - Came from Uncle Kent. He makes up nicknames for all of Brett's Family. Brett is Burt, Ethan is Eph - abel and He's working on Todds.

Bec - Lots of people call me that. Mostly Brett's sister Joda.

Becca - My Family and mostly everyone pre Brett.

Becky - Most of my Friends, Brett's Family and people at Church

RE - Pecka - My most detested one of all... That was and sometimes still is the way my Siblings call me. 

And Lastly...

Rebecca - I've always been a fan and I truly love my name.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pioneer Day - Catch Up

I'm still catching up on our summer activities. 

Pioneer Day is always something that I look forward to. It has been one of my Families Traditions since I was little. We started out going to the rodeo.
We took the kids out back to see all the animals. Ethan got a kick out of the horses. 

He flirted with three girls who sat behind us and conned them into wearing their cowboy hat, buying him some cotton candy and becoming their new best bud. 

We have been in the Parade for three years now, with the FSA (Families Support Adoption) float. It is always fun to meet other families who adopt and our favorite part is Promoting Adoption. It's always fun to year shouts from the crowd like.. "I was adopted", or "My baby was adopted". 
Can you tell my boys don't like looking into the sun :)

We even spotted Ethan's Rodeo Buddies during the parade.

This years Theme was Dream Big. SO... our float was Adoption A Dream Come True

So I made my little boys matching shirts that say
I'm A Dream Come True

They really are my Dreams Come true. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Waterproof Mascara

I'm a friend of the KUTV facebook page.
Yesterday, they posted TGIF! What are your big weekend plans?
I'm sure there are people with big plans like,
Vegas, Disneyland, Hawaii, Girls Night Out, Date Night with Hubby.

Sadly, Our plans were attending the Funeral services of our Friend Robert Lamb. He was killed in a plane crash and our hearts are sincerely with His Family and Friends. He was one of those guys who loved his family and adored his wife dearly.

His funeral was tender. His loved ones expressed his love for his family and friends, his joy for life, silly stories about his childhood and his love for the gospel. 

He was an inspiration to me to do more things in life, enjoy more, love more an hold my family a little bit tighter.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Trip to the Cabin

We took a couple trips to the cabin this summer. It is always nice to get away from the craziness of life and enjoy the peacefulness of the great outdoors. 

We played lots of games, went on hikes, and even saw a deer. She was looking for her dinner around our cabin. We all got an extra close look before she spotted us and took off.  

Todd is walking around the furniture....
lowering himself down. Pretty soon He's going to start walking.

When we got to the cabin we unlocked the door and opened all the windows to air it out. Then we made an inventory to see if anything was missing and noticed that the generator was gone. So we got creative and went to bed when it got dark.

I would crawl 500 miles.

This little guy is CRAWLING. He has been crawling for about two months now and crawls and crawls and crawls. I am so proud of him. He never really did the army crawl or scoot around the house. One day he just started crawling and was a pro from the start. 


Ethan had his 4th Birthday! 
Per tradition, he woke up to a room filled with Balloons. This year was tough getting a picture of his face. Because he was spinning around so fast. :)

As a mom, I really hate how fast my kids are growing up. But on the other side I LOVE PLANNING THEIR BIRTHDAYS! Lately Ethan has been obsessed with Robots. He walks around the house talking like one - I AM A ROBOT, I AM HUNGRY etc... 

His cake - THAT I MADE! Sorry, but I'm really excited about how cute his cake turned out. 

He was really excited for his birthday. Mostly because he can go to Preschool now. 

It's been four years and I still cannot make it through singing Happy Birthday to him without crying.  I am so grateful for him and the joy he has brought into my life.