Thursday, September 6, 2012


Ethan had his 4th Birthday! 
Per tradition, he woke up to a room filled with Balloons. This year was tough getting a picture of his face. Because he was spinning around so fast. :)

As a mom, I really hate how fast my kids are growing up. But on the other side I LOVE PLANNING THEIR BIRTHDAYS! Lately Ethan has been obsessed with Robots. He walks around the house talking like one - I AM A ROBOT, I AM HUNGRY etc... 

His cake - THAT I MADE! Sorry, but I'm really excited about how cute his cake turned out. 

He was really excited for his birthday. Mostly because he can go to Preschool now. 

It's been four years and I still cannot make it through singing Happy Birthday to him without crying.  I am so grateful for him and the joy he has brought into my life.

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